Are you practicing good password management? If not or need a few tips, we suggest the following
First GET organized (get our free organizer here)
Use Two Factor Authentication when available: (2FU)
DO NOT reuse or use same passwords for different accounts
Create Made-up Answers to Security Questions: What high school did you attend? DO NOT give real answers…it’s too easy to find that info. Create fictitious answers to these regularly asked security questions.
DO NOT let browsers remember your passwords: Google password manager or Apple Keychain & others learn more
Use a password manager tool (Highly Recommended!) using a free or paid especially if you have multiple digital devices. We use 1Password but there are dozens and each feature different tools that may be beneficial to your needs.
BACK UP either on digital and or paper (DO NOT store on your computer unless its encrypted. Instead keep it on an external drive and only use it for passwords)
Change your passwords every 3 months (Some password managers will let you know that it’s over due.)
Use free password generators if you are not going to use a password manager tool or make your own (most all of the main stream companies offer this with-in their websites.)

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